Research Collaboration

Subjects of Research Collaborations 2011-2019

【Year 2019】

2019 26 Subject Functional Design of Protein Cage for Sustainable Bio-nanomaterial
Principal Researcher Prof. Takafumi UENO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)


【Year 2018】

2018 25 Subject Functional Design of Protein Cage for Sustainable Bio-nanomaterial
Principal Researcher Prof. Takafumi UENO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
24 Subject Organic thin film devices based on narrow band gap semiconducting polymers
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Tsuyoshi MICHINOBU
Research Summary Summary (pdf)


【Year 2017】

2017 23 Subject Functional Design of Protein Cage for Sustainable Bio-nanomaterial
Principal Researcher Prof. Takafumi UENO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
22 Subject Organic thin film devices based on narrow band gap semiconducting polymers
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Tsuyoshi MICHINOBU
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
21 Subject Analysis and harnessing bacterial community
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Nobutaka NAKASHIMA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)


【Year 2016】

2016 20 Subject Organic thin film devices based on narrow band gap semiconducting polymers
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Tsuyoshi MICHINOBU
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
19 Subject Discovery of valuable genes by massive sequencing and time lapse analysis of environmental RNAs
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Nobutaka NAKASHIMA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
18 Subject High-throughput Creation of Ideal Interfaces of Commercially-applicable Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
Principal Researcher Prof. Yuji WADA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)


【Year 2015】

2015 17 Subject Discovery of valuable genes by massive sequencing and time lapse analysis of environmental RNAs.
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Nobutaka NAKASHIMA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
16 Subject Building of Polymer Nano-Materials Network among Four ASPIRE Universities
Principal Researcher Prof. Shinji ANDO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
15 Subject Artificial photosynthesis with nanostructured semiconductors
Principal Researcher Prof. Kazuhiko MAEDA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
14 Subject A new protocol design method based on algorithmic game theory
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Keisuke TANAKA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
13 Subject High-throughput Creation of Ideal Interfaces of Commercially-applicable Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells
Principal Researcher Prof. Yuji WADA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)

【Year 2014】

2014 12 Subject Creation of Ideal Interfaces of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cell Leading to Commercially-applicable High-throughput Fabrication Process for Flexible Device
Principal Researcher Prof. Yuji WADA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
11 Subject Development of Highly Functional Nanohetero-Structures for Next Generation Devices
Principal Researcher Prof. Ji SHI
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
10 Subject Multipoint Lecture Exchange with High Connectivity, Participation, and Engagement
Principal Researcher Prof. Akinori NISHIHARA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)



【Year 2013】

2013 9 Subject Construction of Material Parameter Database for Crystal Plasticity FEM simulation
Principal Researcher Prof. Masahiko YOSHINO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
8 Subject Development of next generation biosensing devices with high sensitivity and selectivity based on surface-enhanced Raman scattering
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Tomohiro HAYASHI
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
7 Subject Joint international research on biological hydrogen production
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Toshiaki KAMACHI
Research Summary Summary (pdf)

【Year 2012】

2012 6 Subject Energy Dissipation-Less Spin-Based Devices
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Tomoyasu TANIYAMA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
5 Subject The development of a yeast biodiesel production system from biomass waste
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Susumu KAJIWARA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
4 Subject Soft Computing Approach to Intelligent Informatics under the Existence of Uncertainty
Principal Researcher Prof. Kaoru HIROTA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)



【Year 2011】

2011 3 Subject Functional High Temperature Polymers
Principal Researcher Prof. Masa-aki KAKIMOTO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
2 Subject Development of an Integrated Biological -Chemical Wastewater Treatment Technology
Principal Researcher Associate Prof. Susumu KAJIWARA
Research Summary Summary (pdf)
1 Subject International Joint Research on Integrity Assessment of Multi-Material Structures and Smart Structure Technology
Principal Researcher Prof. Kikuo KISHIMOTO
Research Summary Summary (pdf)